Education University of Indonesia was established on October 20, 1954 in Bandung, was inaugurated by the Minister of Education Teaching Mr. Muhammad Yamin. Originally called the Higher Education Teacher Education (PTPG), was established with the background history of the growth of the nation, who realize that efforts to educate and educate the nation is an important part in the independence. Some reasons for the establishment of PTPG among others: First, after Indonesia achieved independence, the Indonesian people are very hungry for education. Second, the need for qualified teachers prepared and university level to improve the quality of education that will pioneer the establishment of a prosperous society.

UPI main building debris originated from a villa called Villa Isola, is a relic of a former era before World War II. (In the struggle against the occupiers, the building was once used as headquarters of the freedom fighters). Debris was rebuilt and later transformed into a building called Earth Siliwangi magnificent architectural style of the original.

7 Path to Entrance UPI Bandung


Indonesian Education University Entrance Examination (UM-UPI) aims to obtain prospective students excel by giving opportunities to the community more broadly to become students, and contribute in improving the quality of education in the UPI.


Based on the Decree of the Minister of National Education No. 006 of 2008 on Guidelines for Prospective Students Admission to State Universities and Regulation of the Director General of Higher Education Department of Education No.18/DIKTI/Kep/2008 March 28, 2008 on the National Selection Entrance State University, The Rector of State Universities under the coordination of the Director General of Higher Education Department of Education held a selection of new students together at the national level in the form of National Selection Entrance State University (SNMPTN).

The detailed information about registration procedures and implementation SNMPTN contained in the Participant Manual SNMPTN 2010 that can be accessed at the website with the address http://www.snmptn.ac.id.


Implementation Program S-1 Dual Mode aims to support efforts to accelerate the improvement of academic qualifications for early childhood teachers, elementary, junior high school and equal according to the requirements in the Law of the Republic of Indonesia Number 14 Year 2005 on Teachers and Lecturers, and No game. 58 in 2009.


Selection of new students through the Interest and Ability Search Education University of Indonesia (PMDK-UPI) aims to get students excel by giving wider opportunities to students in grade III SMA / SMK / MA in accordance with the interest and ability to become students, and contribute to the improve the quality of education in the UPI.

Diploma Teknik

Program Studi:

Teknik Elektro, Teknik Mesin, Teknik Sipil, Teknik Perumahan (Arsitektur)

Diploma Keperawatan





D3 Nursing (Gerontology Concentration)


Bidik Misi

Universitas Pendidikan Indonesia (UPI) in the 2010/2011 academic year offered an opportunity for high school graduates / MA / SMK in 2010 who excel but parents / guardians have the economic limitations to become a new student scholarships through Shutter UPI UPI's mission.

For participants who have registered themselves on PMDK UPI 2010 that a parent / guardian has limited economic automatically be included in the scholarship selection Shutter Mission. For those who fall into this category please send the document or Family Card Poor Poor Certificate from local District which can be accounted for righteousness.


In general, new student enrollment UPI pattern is similar to the pattern similar to this layanansemacam registration on the internet, specifically for this service UPI prospective students who will take advantage of this service is required:

1. Should be used to utilize the Internet facilities, either at home, cafe or anywhere as long as internet access can be connected either

2. Must have email accounts that are still active, so candidates must be familiar in the use of email facilities

3. Good faith in conducting registration

In general image registration in general pattern seen in the image below:

Gambar 1

Workflow Pendaftaran MARU UPI Online

While a detailed step-registration can be seen on the circuit the following picture:

1. Prospective applicants to access the official portal UPI www.upi.edu, then access (click) on the Admissions link (PMB), and that access will bring the candidate on screen special link UPI admission.

2. The next step should be done by prospective new students, is to select the menu tab driveway of his choice. Details can be seen in Figure 2 above.

3. Once entered on the appropriate tab driveway, the stages following steps must be carried out by prospective students is to send an email address that is still active following Prodi names his choice, if it is done automatically the PMB-UPI application online giving private automatic email to the email address Candidate was submitted, as a form of confirmation of phase one, which contains a url link to the activation process

Gambar 2

Langkah pengiriman email dan pilihan prodi oleh calon mahasiswa

4. The next step is a candidate press (click) on the address / url activation link contained in the email sent by the application, and if it is done automatically the PMB-UPI application online giving private automatic second email, to the email address of Candidate, as a form of confirmation stage one, which contains information on registration fees and id_invoice as well as your username and password.

5. Based on information obtained from emails sent by UPI, the prospective student lives to pay the registration fee (in accordance with the informed by UPI via e-mail) and deliver such payment is accompanied by id_invoice number that must be submitted to the BNI.

Gambar 3

Langkah pengiriman email kedua

6. The next step is a candidate mahsiswa melalkukan confirmation of payment by accessing the login page and enter your username and password mamasukan Catcha image text that has been provided to each candidate.

7. The system will perform data authentication and validation of payment data that has been made, if validation is successful (meaning that the payment has been made), then the system will immediately display the form isisn bio-data, but if not, then the system will only give confirmation that you have not made payments, and so on.

8. If the bio-data input process has finished you do (please be completed until the end, do not delay the input data), you just read the final message of the entire online registration process, namely the time information retrieval test card candidate to be taken directly to the campus UPI.

Gambar 4

Langkah Konfirmasi Pembayaran

9. Step online registration is completed.

Academic Directorate
Jl. Dr. Setiabudhi No. Bandung 229 40 154
Tel. (022) 2013753, Fax. (022) 2013753

Customer Support
Email: pmb@upi.edu


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